Photoshop Scripts

Automate your creative workflow

Sort Layers

This script sorts all layers in the active document alphanumerically.

Note: This script also contains a user-customizable variable (near the top of the script) for configuring the sort direction (default is top to bottom).


To download this script, right-click (Ctrl-click on the Mac) on the appropriate version below, and choose "Save Target As".

Sort Layers
Version: 0.7.0 (July 9, 2009)
Download for: Photoshop Script Photoshop CS or  Photoshop Script Photoshop CS2+

Note: The only significant difference between the CS and CS2+ versions of this script is the extension. Photoshop CS scripts have a ".js" extension, while scripts for Photoshop CS2 and higher use ".jsx".


Download the script that corresponds to your version of Photoshop, and copy it into your "Adobe Photoshop CS#/Presets/Scripts" folder.

After restarting Photoshop, the script should appear in the File » Scripts menu.

For more detailed instructions, see the Installing Scripts section of the Scripting Photoshop, Part 1 tutorial.

Tip: Did you know that you can use the Edit » Keyboard Shortcuts command (Ctrl/Cmd+Alt/Opt+Shift+K) to assign keyboard shortcuts to your scripts? You can also record scripts within actions and then assign function keys to the actions.
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